Step 2: Seminar payment
Click on the appropriate button to pay with your credit card or PayPal account. Credit card users will enter credit card and billing information in the PayPal system “as a guest.”
Standard Seminar Rate
Includes a one-year membership subscription to the O.K. Corral!
Standard Seminar Rate & Continuing Education Units
Includes a one-year membership subscription to the O.K. Corral!
Group Rate (2 or more)
Includes a one-year membership subscription to the O.K. Corral!
Group Rate & Continuing Education Units
Includes a one-year membership subscription to the O.K. Corral!
Early Registration Rate
Available 30 Days Prior to Seminar Day 1
Early Registration Rate & Continuing Education Units
Available 30 Days Prior to Seminar Day 1
Returning Participant Rate
Available for participants who have attended other mileposts. Includes a one-year membership subscription to the O.K. Corral!
Returning Participant Rate & Continuing Education Units
Includes a one-year membership subscription to the O.K. Corral!
Refresher Rate
Participants who have attended the same milepost.
Refresher Rate & Continuing Education Units
Passport Program
Includes six certification seminars, continuing education units (if needed), and a lifetime membership to the O.K. Corral Series.
Continuing Education Units
For participants who have previously attended a seminar, or have registered for a future seminar.
Open Rate
For people needing to pay a custom amount